The primary goal for each massage treatment is to decrease pain and discomfort through various techniques that loosen up the muscle tissue to release tension and adhesions (“knots”) Subsequent treatments are geared towards healing an injury, increasing body awareness, and addressing postural dysfunction for the prevention of re-injury. Each massage treatment is geared towards whatever the client's chief complaint is followed by working on associated muscle groups that may be compensating for whatever the problem is.
About Your Massage Therapist
Cassie is a 2006 graduate of the School of Therapeutic Touch. She has been practicing massage in the Wenatchee valley full-time since becoming licensed. She is excited to have a space in Wenatchee again. From working in a spa, chiropractic, self-employed and back to a spa again, her career has taken her on a fantastic journey. With opening relax and Renew Massage, she is very excited to implement all of her techniques, her favorite modalities and products into her very own massage practice.
Spending the past 5 years working at a beautiful spa in Leavenworth has been an incredible experience for her. However, after a decade of working with regular clientele, helping to relieve pain on specific injuries and watching her clients improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle was missed. She realized that was a paramount part of her massage career and she wanted to return to help provide her services.
Focused, detailed, therapeutic massages that are also relaxing is Cassie’s goal and passion. She enjoys addressing each individual’s needs and striving to offer an effective treatment. She achieves this by integrating aromatherapy, head or cold therapy and meaningful, focused bodywork in a balanced way for each client to feel decreased pain and increase optimal relaxation
After being involved in the massage field for the past 16years, I have met many wonderful therapists & mentors that have helped me grow as a therapist and professional. My hope is to provide a place for other massage therapists to really grow and soar in their journey as massage therapists by providing the freedom of working for themselves & still have a team of resources if we ever come across an illness or injury that we are not familiar with.
When Cassie isn’t in the massage room, she enjoys yoga, hiking, traveling and spending time adventuring with her husband and son.
Service Hours
- Monday By Appointment Only
- Tuesday By Appointment Only
- Wednesday By Appointment Only
- Thursday - Friday By Appointment Only
- Saturday By Appointment Only
- Sunday Closed